ART Teachers, Music Teachers, Home Ec. Teachers, Voc. Tech. Teachers, P.E. Teachers
Not Core Curriculum...Not Tested in standardized Tests....Not Needed!!!!
Teaching has stressed and is still stressing the importance of core subjects. The core subjects have always included Math, Reading, Literature, Science, and Social Studies. The adoption of the 'Iowa Core Curriculum' and '21st Century Skills' again reforces the importanc of core subjects. In-service programs and faculty meetings are planned for these core subjects because that it what the state is testing students in (ITED, ITBS). NCCLB is evaluating schools on these scores in the core areas. Why are school districts even waisting tax payers money on the special classes such as art and music? The monies used for those 'extra' classes would provide valuable time and services to students that would help directly test scores. Student/teacher ratios would be smaller, more technology could be purchased and used, and the entire curriculum could be fine tuned. What are we waiting for ... get the pink slips out!!!
Or are these extra classes Important to students and their education? Do they engage students who would quit school ? Do the classes seem more differentiated? Do the classes teach something not evaluated in standardized tests...creativity?