I had the joy of watching my twin granddaughters for the weekend. They are 13 months old and so interesting and beautiful!!! The first chore was to get the car seats into the back of my car. That entailed putting the bases into the hooks behind the seats, leveling the seats using the bubble on the seat base, moving the front seats forward, locking the seats in place, using my knee to pull the strap so tight there was no movement, and then using a three point harness to secure the girls in. Blah, Blah, Blah... Well it took me 15 minutes and when I was done I was a little aggravated. REALLY were we blasting off to the moon? Was all that really necessary? The answer to their parents, of course!!! The answer for me, of course !!!
Now what does this have to do with education.
Often times when I was teaching , teachers, administrators, community members, and others said why are the schools doing all the things for children these days. Breakfast should not be served that is the parents job, kids should sit and be quiet, what is the problem with continual recall and memorization. Why do the kids these days need the new playground equipment, computers, and IEP's. We did fine with none of those things. Education does not need all the new updates.
I will admit when I used to buckle my ten year old in to his car seat it was easier. But I was glad he had a car seat and was not held on my lap like my Mom did for me. All the new updates in education are what I want for my kids and for my grandchildren. I will always be happy to learn of new ways to educate children because it REALLY is IMPORTANT! BECAUSE EVERY STUDENT IS SOME ONE'S CHILD IN A CAR SEAT....
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