I pretty much (after looking at my STats) have figured that I blog solo, alone, a wolf pack of one. Most of the time I really don't care at all, once in a while when I think I have some great contribution to man kind, I do feel little bad about the blogpack of one identity. Not today because I feel like rambling...here goes.
Everyone wanted to know if I was going shopping on Black Friday!!! Why do they care? I don't plan on buying them anything, I have five kids, 4 grandkids, son in laws, daughter in law, sister, niece and nephews, friends, staff, and gifts for teachers and of course the gift which I am buying myself. With all of that you would think I would be out there shopping at midnight till I drop. Why!!! The onley sale price that would make me stay up late and fight through crowds of crazy people would be , EVERYTHING YOU EVER WANT IS FREE. Almost sure I did not get that add. If you did tweet me or facebook me about it (oops don't tweet or facebook and my phone has the cheap plan of call someone answer and then pay). So I though maybe I needed to stay up and buy stuff on line. Love the idea of on line because it does not make me go out in the cold and deal with clerks that can't count change back. Well I thought I would try so got on the sites had my codes for free shipping and discounts and everything I wanted to put in my cart (that is just funny computer nerds are laughing everytime someone pushes that button) was not the size not the color or just plain out of stock. So after an hour of getting nothing, yeah I took a break in the middle shopping on line is boring, I quit. So lets get back to black Friday. Some one asked me if I knew why it was called black Friday. My DAD used to work at Hormels and in the good old days the employees used to get their Black checks for Christmas and that told us how much we would get for presents. Of course I know what Black FRiday means, stores are making money. Amazed at some peoples definition of black Friday. Oh well google it people , don't guess. Black Friday I cleaned my kitchen spotless and will admit that at 7:00pm I did go to Menards (which the sign had the MEN off it so Jared and I laughed quite a bit about that..who is ARD and what do you buy there?) I baught what I needed and found Tesla Balls there on sale for $12. Could not pass that up so I baught four. So everyone is getting Tesla Balls for Christmas, might even go back for more. How fun it that....
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Books I read in October 20244 months ago
Roblox Free Drawing3 years ago
TRIMESTERS?!?!?13 years ago
Okay I usually check my posts for spelling errors and pushed the spelling check button and right at that time a telemarketer called and I hit post. So excuse the spelling errors (Just in case someone actually reads this and cares). The Telemarketer had hung up before I got there and that is a good thing. This post entertained me quite a bit , might do it again. Okay this is supposed to be about education. Well Education should be fun like this and not like Black Friday. Oh I did get my gift already and won't wrap it but plan on wearing it on Monday or maybe all week long.... (I really like using .........dots. One means the end, two means I pushed it by accident, three means think about it, four or more means this is just fun pushing dots ...or periods what ever you want to call them.)yeah the end.
ReplyDeleteYou might wonder why I am complaining about blogging alone when already there is a comment above. Well for some dumb reason if I post it doesnt let me comment unless I am anonymous. So now I have taken that name 'anonymous' as my secret coded name. I kind of like it just wish that other people would quit using it. Sometimes I can't remember if it was me who commented or someone else. Usually I just check for spelling errors and gramatical errors and that tells me write away if it was my alter ego, anonymous? (Did I spell that right?
ReplyDeleteOkay to clarify, black checks are checks like profit sharing that my Dad used to get when he worked at Hormels. They were given in December and reflected how much the company made of profit and then that profit, at least a percentage was shared with employees by how long they had worked and what their job was. A good year meant a Christmas gift of $25 a slow year maybe $15 and a bad year nothing. Black Friday same concept the store is in the black due to profit. I heard a great rumor someone read this...Hmmmm(that is redundant). Good for me!
ReplyDeleteWhat is better than Black Friday? The day after Christmas. See on Black Friday you have to use your money for someone else (unless like me my gift to me...usually a pair of awesome boots...comes first and then I shop for everyone else). The day after Christmas you can use all the Christmas money you got or the gift cards. If you have niether you just take everything back and get a store credit. Not as fun when the store credit is to 'Shoppers Supply or Zales'. Not that these are bad stores just not much that I want there which is probably why I would be returning the gift. A real catch 22 situation. So now you have your gift card and you have to spend it all at Younkers. The game is on what possibly can I buy that does not exceed the gift card amount or finding something that fits (anyone who knows me knows that is a huge issue)and is up to my fashion standards. Why is it ugly clothes are always in my size? I could write more but that would lead to talk about why I can't find jeans that fit and that is boring to people who aren't tall and have know idea why the the fashion world is the biggest hypocrite around. So go out and shop for more unneeded things and enjoy the New Year....2012 (Isn't this supposed to be the last one as indicated by the Mayan calendar?)Better really shop now!!!$10.00 outfit here I come.