Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Yoda vs. Harry Potter...

So during Christmas with my family my oldest son started a debate conversation. Who would win a fight Yoda or Harry Potter and why. Great conversations started with even my youngest son who is 10 contributing. (While playing Lego Star Wars on his DS). So who do you think would win? I will save my decision for my comments.
Then I started these debate conversations:
Who would win a fight Star Trek or Star Wars and why?
Who was more intellegent Gene Rodenberry or Einstein and why?
Okay now your are thinking that my entire family are a bunch of geeks. Not so but sometimes we think like geeks which is not all bad.
Add to my debate conversation list if you have one.
Let the fighting begin, and may the force be with you!


  1. Yoda would definetly win. He is the ultimate wizard, another planet yes but ultimate wizard. He does not need a wand or incantasions. He just feels the force. He would not even have to fight he would just cause Harry Potter to put down his wand and follow him to the right side of the force. Am I right?

  2. So just wondering in anyone noticed the discussion was largely based on how old a person is and what information they have about the topic. In my home my children have information on both topics and though my knowledge of Yoda and Star Trek outway my sons on Harry Potter and Star Wars. My sons knowledge might be greater than mine (not) but his passion might be greater or more current than mine. This is the educational environment that is current today. New beginning teacher versus 30 year veteran ( Harry Potter vs. Yoda) and the student who is using his phone as a computer and social networking 24/7 and teachers using lap tops to keep a calendar and type and email. Interesting isn't it. So who wins the debate. Winning is not why this post is here but to just make the reader think about correlations that are all around us everyday.
