Sunday, January 8, 2012

Make teaching relevant...relevant to whom?

I have been reading a lot lately about how important it is to teach students so that they can see that what they are learning is relevant. My question is relevant to whom?
Relevant to a teenager who is interested in skateboarding, hanging out, and what new phone they want?
Relevant to the student who wants to go to college but doesn't know for sure if they want to be a lawyer or perhaps and criminal investigator?
Relevant as decided by a teacher who must decide what is relevant to 124 students a day aged 13 to 20?
Relevant as decided by a parent who knows for sure that their son/daughter is going to be a doctor or engineer?
Relevant to a administrator who is trying to understand 21st Century Skills, Core Curriculum, and every other new idea and mandate that the state and federal government pass?
Relevant to companies that are looking for employees who have welding skills, people skills, and laboratory skills?
Relevant...really. It sounds so easy.
Tell me is what was relevant when you were in junior/ senior high school relevant now?
Relevant teaching and experiences are time sensitive. How can teaching be relevant to all students at all times?
I hated math and even dropped a class because I knew I would never use it was not relevant to me. Guess what? I needed that class 20 years later and wish someone had made me sit there and learn it when I was young. How could that teacher have proven to me that the course was relevant to my future? I know that the math teacher couldn't have done that know matter how talented the educator  was and no matter how the instructor danced on the desks and sang it to a rap song. I will say being made to complete the course as a pre-college prerequisite probably would of done it. I would of hated and complained the entire time but I would of done it because that would be relevant for me, but how many others in the class?
So teach courses that are relevant to students ...I agree with that...but also know that unless you are a magician, what is relevant is not applicable to everyone. Some times you just need to learn something you don't find relevant, or interesting, or fun............


  1. You may have something here...I'm thinking that about all we can all agree upon is that there are items we currently teach that are clearly NOT relevant...but even those must answer, "to whom" as the teacher obviously believes they are...or at least feels they fill a hole of some kind.

  2. I am rereading this post. Why? Because it is good. Not bragging but it is. Everyday I see the problems with the idea of teaching what is relevant. Examples: The 2nd grade student who can't count coins and says why do I need to everyone uses a debit card in my family..HMMM. The student in the alternative school who says I need to be on time and turn in my work on time and looks at home and sees everyone there sleeps late and doesn't work and they never go hungry. Relevant to a test given by the state to decide whether students are progressing and schools are doing their jobs? Seriously look at some of the questions on the tests. Believe me they really stretch the relevant idea. So what is the answer. Help me out here people.
