Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Random questions from Tuesday?

Will Smarter Balance testing take the place of the 'Iowa Assessements' in two years?
My guess no, then yes, then really no. 
Is open enrollment a good thing?
My thoughts, yes, sometimes definitely no, but yes in the end.
What are the benefits of being an assistant principal?
My answer today....up in the air.
Why does money seem to dictate educational decisions.
My remark... because people value it way too much.
When will there be time to get my work done?
My instinct says never.
Why am I an educator?
Because I can't not be... I will always love all children!

1 comment:

  1. Got another one...what exactly is my job today?
    Will it snow...please!?
    Why did my dog rip up his new dog bed pillow?
    Why does a school week have only 5 days because this week I needed 7.(I know the reason for only 5)
    Why can't site visits happen every year?
