Sunday, December 22, 2013

Christmas Break/Winter Break and Life Long Learning

"Life Long Learner"  great buzz word for education.
What does it mean and how to model it as an administrator/teacher/parent/community member?
It means that until I can no longer function I will take every opportunity to learn or relearn something every day of my life.
No breaks, days off, no vacation, no excuses.
How is this possible?
How is it not possible?

So this is what I have been working on with the few glorious days at home until school starts again on January 2nd, 2014.

Bible: Learn something new everyday I read it.
Voynick Manuscript: Really interesting mystery, great story, great images!
Facebook: Yeah rediscovering the potential as a social medium.
Pinterest:  I enjoy every minute being on the site but now trying to learn the educational value.
Blogger: Search titles and read such interesting items.
Rasputin: The Russian Revolution is so Interesting.
Duck Dynasty: Finding out what the show is about and why so many students like it.
Hummingbirds: They are truly amazing and want to know how to get ready for them when they come back.
Ipod Touch 5th Generation: What can they do and how can they be used in education.

I could group the above interest into tech and non-tech but really I do most of my learning through tech devices and sites lately.  I find that interesting and thought provoking.  What would I do if the tech were not available? What would I do if I had to learn the way I did 10 or 20 years ago.  What would I be missing, what would I not be missing?  What would my learning curve be like?

See what I mean when I say "How is it not possible to be a 'Life Long Learner'?

 "As our case is new, we must think and act anew."
"Books serve to show a man that those original thoughts of his aren't very new at all."

Abraham Lincoln

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