Monday, December 31, 2012
26 Random Acts of Kindness
I have started on my 26 Random Acts of Kindness in honor and remembrance of the 26 innocent lives lost in the Connecticut school shooting. I was made aware of this idea from my daughter who also is working on her 26 acts of kindness. I am on number 4. I would challenge everyone who needs to make a New Years Resolution to complete 26 Random Acts of Kindness . Just think if everyone did that. What a wonderful year it will be and what a great way to honor those children and adults in Connecticut.
Tuesday, December 25, 2012
Education goes on...please let us keep on learning
Well I finally went and looked at a site that showed the victims of the Connecticut school shootings. I did not go to the site right after it happened, did not want to add to the hysteria or the publicity, and wanted to let the mourning be for the people involved.
I went today to acknowledge the tragedy and learn from it.
That is why all things happen so we can learn, if we choose.
Well this is what I have learned.
Children died but they did not die alone. They died with the teachers that loved them and with Jesus at their sides.
Teachers died doing what they chose to do, love the children given to them to teach and care for. Thank you God for teachers of that caliber.
The principal and staff died trying to save the children and keep the school safe. Thank you God for sending such outstanding leaders to that school.
A mentally sick young man killed his mother and with evil in his heart killed the most innocent things he could find. God was with him also that day but he refused to see him.
I pray that the families, communities, and the country let God into their hearts and let Him heal them as only He can, with LOVE.
I have also learned that there was NOTHING that the staff or school district could have done to prevent this tragedy. They did everything possible and it still happened.
Mental illness is so terrible and it is everywhere. Why? Perhaps the time, perhaps not, it just is. There isn't a person I know who does not know or have someone who is mentally unstable in their family or a friend with the illness. Yes it is an illness but it can be controlled but the way it is being controlled it not working. We need to look at mental illness closely and to invest the time into figuring out how to help these people. By helping mentally ill people we will help families, communities, and our country and world. Easy to say now what can I do? It just takes one person at a time...wonder where we have heard that before.
Tuesday, December 4, 2012
Random questions from Tuesday?
Will Smarter Balance testing take the place of the 'Iowa Assessements' in two years?
My guess no, then yes, then really no.
Is open enrollment a good thing?
My thoughts, yes, sometimes definitely no, but yes in the end.
What are the benefits of being an assistant principal?
My answer today....up in the air.
Why does money seem to dictate educational decisions.
My remark... because people value it way too much.
When will there be time to get my work done?
My instinct says never.
Why am I an educator?
Because I can't not be... I will always love all children!
My guess no, then yes, then really no.
Is open enrollment a good thing?
My thoughts, yes, sometimes definitely no, but yes in the end.
What are the benefits of being an assistant principal?
My answer today....up in the air.
Why does money seem to dictate educational decisions.
My remark... because people value it way too much.
When will there be time to get my work done?
My instinct says never.
Why am I an educator?
Because I can't not be... I will always love all children!
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
Books are Priceless and the price will continue to go UP
Went to an auction and there were boxes of old books. Well the price ended up being $5 a box of books. Really?! They were old books, some smelled old, some were abused and well read, and one was a bible. I could not say no. Bought the books and took them home and put them in my garage. My eleven year old son came in with a few of the books and put them on the end table and told me that one was from 1879 and that we should read it. I started yesterday and I am almost done. It is Kavanaugh by Longfellow. Worth reading but not an easy read.
So is this a recommendation for a book? NO! I have aghast at the idea that books are worthless and people can't even give them away. Was it so long ago that only the rich could have books, then libraries made it possible for all to have books, now no one wants them. I think and have heard that other countries do not take books for granted but with technology maybe paperless is what everyone wants. I don't, I loved opening that old book and smelling the age, feeling the paper, enjoyed holding it in my hands, really enjoyed the handwritten message inside. I foresee a future when books will slowly become so rare that only the rich will be able to own them. They will be on "Road Show Antiques" and discussed as being a rare find. Until then I will continue to buy books , just need a library to store them.
So is this a recommendation for a book? NO! I have aghast at the idea that books are worthless and people can't even give them away. Was it so long ago that only the rich could have books, then libraries made it possible for all to have books, now no one wants them. I think and have heard that other countries do not take books for granted but with technology maybe paperless is what everyone wants. I don't, I loved opening that old book and smelling the age, feeling the paper, enjoyed holding it in my hands, really enjoyed the handwritten message inside. I foresee a future when books will slowly become so rare that only the rich will be able to own them. They will be on "Road Show Antiques" and discussed as being a rare find. Until then I will continue to buy books , just need a library to store them.
Sunday, November 11, 2012
Administrative Focus or lack of...
I really try to focus, work on a task or problem, give it my all, and then feel a huge amount of accomplishment.
I find it next to impossible as an assistant principal/curriculum director/teacher/family person/individual.
Just to illustrate the above this is a list of what I have worked on this weekend....
Two 5th grade basket ball games
Babysitting twins
Shopping for groceries
Menards for house repair supplies
Making dinner
Cleaning the house
Repair an Anderson Window that was broken and rehang
Caulk the front door and window
Replace siding that was rotten, repaint, and caulk
Church and Sunday School/Christmas Program Practice
Watch a DVD with my family
More house cleaning
Read the paper
Read two chapters in my new book ('One Thousand White Women' really good!!!)
Work on Site Visit Documents
Update my calendar and respond to emails
Favorite 'Smarter Balance' test site and read more about the entire testing system
Update my blog, oh yeah this one and the PVELART site that I just started
Review Iowa Assessment information and updates
Help my son with homework
Clean up after the dogs
How is it possible to do all that in two days and stay focused???????
Well my answer at this point is stay up late. I also am going to hire a personal assistant that will work for free and be rewarded with the joy of just being around me.
I find it next to impossible as an assistant principal/curriculum director/teacher/family person/individual.
Just to illustrate the above this is a list of what I have worked on this weekend....
Two 5th grade basket ball games
Babysitting twins
Shopping for groceries
Menards for house repair supplies
Making dinner
Cleaning the house
Repair an Anderson Window that was broken and rehang
Caulk the front door and window
Replace siding that was rotten, repaint, and caulk
Church and Sunday School/Christmas Program Practice
Watch a DVD with my family
More house cleaning
Read the paper
Read two chapters in my new book ('One Thousand White Women' really good!!!)
Work on Site Visit Documents
Update my calendar and respond to emails
Favorite 'Smarter Balance' test site and read more about the entire testing system
Update my blog, oh yeah this one and the PVELART site that I just started
Review Iowa Assessment information and updates
Help my son with homework
Clean up after the dogs
How is it possible to do all that in two days and stay focused???????
Well my answer at this point is stay up late. I also am going to hire a personal assistant that will work for free and be rewarded with the joy of just being around me.
Tuesday, November 6, 2012
Elementary Students Elect the Next President of the United States of America!
What a great day of learning. The 5th grade staff completed a unit about elections with a school wide election on the same day as the national elections for president. Now I know that this has been done before, but I will say the Prairie Valley Elementary 5th grade staff and students did it WELL! After the background work in the classroom; investigating elections, past elections, student prior knowledge, and introducing new concepts , students created election posters (applicable to the Preschool- 6th grade students and staff), registered all voters, set up precincts, voting booths, public announcements, trained poll workers, and set up schedules for voting. It went very well and the school was updated on results throughout the day precinct by precinct. One of the requirements for registering to vote was that the student or staff donate a non-perishable food item. If the students forgot to bring one extras were brought in by all.
I got to assist with some of the younger student precincts and helped read the names under the candidate pictures. It was a joy to see how many five and six year old students knew the names, identified the faces, and were anxious to vote.
A five year old student that I assisted tried to come back to the voting booth. I told her the rule was that it was a private voting booth and she had already voted. She then declared that she wanted her can back so she could vote for the other guy since that would only be fair.
At the end of the day I reminded the students as they went to the bus to watch the election results to see who the nation picked for president. One student said, "We have voted and it would be nice if the nation would let us elect the president like we did today, just the kids in this school, or just the kids all over."
What an IDEA and after the day I experienced;caring, patience, excitement, interest, and fairness, I would trust the kids to elect the next president, and it would make sense.
Someday they will....
I got to assist with some of the younger student precincts and helped read the names under the candidate pictures. It was a joy to see how many five and six year old students knew the names, identified the faces, and were anxious to vote.
A five year old student that I assisted tried to come back to the voting booth. I told her the rule was that it was a private voting booth and she had already voted. She then declared that she wanted her can back so she could vote for the other guy since that would only be fair.
At the end of the day I reminded the students as they went to the bus to watch the election results to see who the nation picked for president. One student said, "We have voted and it would be nice if the nation would let us elect the president like we did today, just the kids in this school, or just the kids all over."
What an IDEA and after the day I experienced;caring, patience, excitement, interest, and fairness, I would trust the kids to elect the next president, and it would make sense.
Someday they will....
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
Quit spitting on me!
I was out at recess duty today,(yes I am assistant principal at an elementary) and a student raised his hand and told me the boy behind him in line was spitting on him. I watched for a second and did not see the boy spit but the other student yelled, "He did it again, make him stop". Okay I admit the boy standing behind was a spitter, spit on others before, probably wanted to spit, BUT I WATCHED AND HE DID NOT SPIT! I noted that it felt like I was being spit on and of course, it was almost raining. I told the student and all was good. So what is this blog all about?
Well sometimes you get spit on so often by the same source you can't see that the spitting is coming from somewhere else. It is difficult to look around and notice where else a negative situation might be coming from when it always has come from the same source. It pays to look around once in awhile and get another point of view.
Kids lead my thoughts to analogies and revelations.
Enjoy (blog pack of one always does)
Well sometimes you get spit on so often by the same source you can't see that the spitting is coming from somewhere else. It is difficult to look around and notice where else a negative situation might be coming from when it always has come from the same source. It pays to look around once in awhile and get another point of view.
Kids lead my thoughts to analogies and revelations.
Enjoy (blog pack of one always does)
Sunday, September 30, 2012
Uncreative students...what's up with that?
Okay was sent this article because I am an art teacher/administrator. Found aspects of it very interesting. I don't agree with a lot of it. The Freedom aspect is a little out there for me. I also don't agree with the reason the creativity has dropped since the 90's. I would say it is more about what toys children have that make them not need to push the creativity button. Part of the article talking about boredom plays a role in creativity in children I do agree with. I also believe that system wide testing does not test for creativity and should.
Another thought what part of the 'Iowa Core' works with creativity? How is creativity taught in the classroom (Art and Music are not the only places it should be taught and have a standard or benchmark for creativity).
Read the article and comment.
Another thought what part of the 'Iowa Core' works with creativity? How is creativity taught in the classroom (Art and Music are not the only places it should be taught and have a standard or benchmark for creativity).
Read the article and comment.
As Children’s Freedom Has Declined, So Has Their Creativity
New research suggests that American schoolchildren are becoming less creative.
Published on September 17, 2012 by Peter Gray in Freedom to Learn
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
Curriculum and Assessment What?
Well thought last year was busier than the year before.
Well thought this year would be interesting and less stressed.
Well seriously what was I thinking!
I am now the new district Assessment Coordinator ....
and wait for it....
Curriculum Director.
So what did I give up.... nothing.
Still teaching Art, Math Support, and Assistant Principal.
Sounds like I am bragging ... if you think so go with that....
Instead I would like to know what other
Assessment Coordinators and Curriculum Directors do
and if the same people have other job titles and or teach.
I need some guidance in time management.
So Someone give me their wonderful guidance...I will be happy to reciprocate when I can.
Saturday, September 1, 2012
Assistant Principal/Teacher
Assistant Principal/ Teacher...of course all administrators are teachers...not always so and the degree is so much different. Due to a change of contract (less administrator more teaching) I am teaching Art in an elementary setting and filling out my contract with administrative duties. Not what I thought I would be doing, not what I planned on doing, but hey everyone is adapting to the the rural decline of educational budgets. So happy to have a job and still have some administrative duties. So what is the blog about?
I am being convinced that teaching an actual class is very beneficial to the principal job. Why? Well the last couple of years when working with students I usually knew the few that were in the office all the time, tried to know the others, but with the amount of students many were nameless smiling faces. This year I will know each and every one. They are all in my classroom at least one out of six days. Why is this beneficial? I have one to one conversations with them. Each student seems very aware of who I am and how much I enjoy teaching. They also are fine with my other role as assistant principal and all that comes with it. I also have first hand experiences to relate if or when I need to communicate with parents, staff, or administration (other than myself). When a teacher indicates there is a problem with a students learning or behavior, they know that I also have first hand knowledge. As an administrator I am able to recommend behaviors that work for me or help develop a plan that I can assist with in the classroom. I also get to work with the grading procedures , see how the schedules are working, and discover the joy of recess (not on demand or last minute fill in) every day.
Now what is the flip side? It is very difficult running and managing a schedule that puts me in a classroom at least two to three times a day, recess duty,and then working in my office on bus discipline, testing, and administrative duties. Staff are often unsure of what my role details when visiting their classrooms. (is she wanting my students to bring glue to art or is she doing a drop by evaluation). Parents are not sure of my role so I assume the community is not sure exactly what I am doing. (Just had a student who said her dad wanted to know what my job was. She told him I do everything. )
So to conclude I think the positive outweighs the flip side. I hope to always have a classroom with students in every role I have as an administrator. Still have not figured out the meeting and schedule problem but with skype and technology I know it is possible. I will always remember that I am a teacher first and I went into administration because I love to teach.
So it there anyone else who can share the experience I am involved in this year.
(Thought this was going to be a year of making lemonade out of lemons and finding out with a little lemon juice you can make an incredible educational punch! )
I am being convinced that teaching an actual class is very beneficial to the principal job. Why? Well the last couple of years when working with students I usually knew the few that were in the office all the time, tried to know the others, but with the amount of students many were nameless smiling faces. This year I will know each and every one. They are all in my classroom at least one out of six days. Why is this beneficial? I have one to one conversations with them. Each student seems very aware of who I am and how much I enjoy teaching. They also are fine with my other role as assistant principal and all that comes with it. I also have first hand experiences to relate if or when I need to communicate with parents, staff, or administration (other than myself). When a teacher indicates there is a problem with a students learning or behavior, they know that I also have first hand knowledge. As an administrator I am able to recommend behaviors that work for me or help develop a plan that I can assist with in the classroom. I also get to work with the grading procedures , see how the schedules are working, and discover the joy of recess (not on demand or last minute fill in) every day.
Now what is the flip side? It is very difficult running and managing a schedule that puts me in a classroom at least two to three times a day, recess duty,and then working in my office on bus discipline, testing, and administrative duties. Staff are often unsure of what my role details when visiting their classrooms. (is she wanting my students to bring glue to art or is she doing a drop by evaluation). Parents are not sure of my role so I assume the community is not sure exactly what I am doing. (Just had a student who said her dad wanted to know what my job was. She told him I do everything. )
So to conclude I think the positive outweighs the flip side. I hope to always have a classroom with students in every role I have as an administrator. Still have not figured out the meeting and schedule problem but with skype and technology I know it is possible. I will always remember that I am a teacher first and I went into administration because I love to teach.
So it there anyone else who can share the experience I am involved in this year.
(Thought this was going to be a year of making lemonade out of lemons and finding out with a little lemon juice you can make an incredible educational punch! )
Thursday, July 26, 2012
I was a huge batman fan when I was very little. I can fondly remember being around 6 and someone drove the Batmobile in a 4th of July parade and I was so excited (wow, bam, pow excited). When the first movie versions came out I wanted to share that experience with my children. So as the Batman fan I was, I went and bought Batman t-shirts for all three of my kids and myself and we went to the movie as a family. We continued going to the movies together until the kids got to the point where they said they didn't care to see anymore (as sad day but holy crap Batman it was bound to happen). My youngest son ,who is 11, was not born when the first wave of Batman movies came out but he has been a fan for the next set. He wanted to go so badly to 'Batman Dark Night Rises' and asked everyone if they had seen it and if they liked it.
Then the Colorado shooting happened. Kind of put a damper on the entire experience for me. I really did not care to go. I am praying for the victims. No one else in the family seemed to want to go either, except for my son.
Well my son and I went tonight. Not a big crowd but enough. We bought our new Batman t-shirts, yes they matched, and off to the show. How wonderful that he did not care at 11 that Mom was matching. I let him buy any kind of candy he wanted and the biggest pop he could drink. We sat in the back and enjoyed each others company. I will admit that it bothered me that those victims in Colorado were doing exactly what I was doing, trying to enjoy life with family and friends. I did talk to my son about always staying alert. I told him how much I enjoyed being with him. I told him how much I loved him.
The movie was not as good as the second but it was okay. It had a lot of shooting and violence but most Batman movies do. The special effects were good and my son loved the helicopter tank hover craft thing. I have seen better Cat Women but the actress wasn't terrible.
I am glad I took my son. I am glad I did not let some crazed mad man take away a wonderful family tradition. And golly gee Batman keep making the movies. Okay I am really waiting for another Star Trek movie also so hurry up Captain Kirk!!! (I would settle for a Star Wars)
Then the Colorado shooting happened. Kind of put a damper on the entire experience for me. I really did not care to go. I am praying for the victims. No one else in the family seemed to want to go either, except for my son.
Well my son and I went tonight. Not a big crowd but enough. We bought our new Batman t-shirts, yes they matched, and off to the show. How wonderful that he did not care at 11 that Mom was matching. I let him buy any kind of candy he wanted and the biggest pop he could drink. We sat in the back and enjoyed each others company. I will admit that it bothered me that those victims in Colorado were doing exactly what I was doing, trying to enjoy life with family and friends. I did talk to my son about always staying alert. I told him how much I enjoyed being with him. I told him how much I loved him.
The movie was not as good as the second but it was okay. It had a lot of shooting and violence but most Batman movies do. The special effects were good and my son loved the helicopter tank hover craft thing. I have seen better Cat Women but the actress wasn't terrible.
I am glad I took my son. I am glad I did not let some crazed mad man take away a wonderful family tradition. And golly gee Batman keep making the movies. Okay I am really waiting for another Star Trek movie also so hurry up Captain Kirk!!! (I would settle for a Star Wars)
Friday, June 15, 2012
Read,Read, Read...summer time is here!
I love to read. My Mom loved to read, I love to read, and my kids love to read. One thing as a parent I know I did right.
During the school year I read all the time, but in another format, mainly educational articles dealing with testing, grading, reading strategies, etc.
Summer time is when I get to read anything I want. Finished a biography of John McCain. (It was sitting on the top of a pile of books and I have to read every book I have in the pile. It was actually very good for lots of reasons I did not expect) Also read one called 'Vigil' my son recommended and it was also great (he picked it out for me at a book sale for $1, he loves his Mom). Read a vampire series that my daughter likes (Can't think of the title since there are so many vampire series).
So now I get to pick...Had $20 left on an Amazon book gift card so I splurged and found a book that was recommended by my profile and it just jumped out at me.
'Shifting the Monkey' by Todd Whitaker. Looks really interesting, great cover , kind of weird title and graphic. So that is my 'judging a book by the cover' moment. The book is shorter than I thought so should be an fast read. Here I go , will update at moments of profound inspiration..(yeah that is what I always go for).... If you have or are reading the book chime in. Guess I would be talking to the two people who follow this blog. Oh did I ever say thanks for following my blog? THANKS!
During the school year I read all the time, but in another format, mainly educational articles dealing with testing, grading, reading strategies, etc.
Summer time is when I get to read anything I want. Finished a biography of John McCain. (It was sitting on the top of a pile of books and I have to read every book I have in the pile. It was actually very good for lots of reasons I did not expect) Also read one called 'Vigil' my son recommended and it was also great (he picked it out for me at a book sale for $1, he loves his Mom). Read a vampire series that my daughter likes (Can't think of the title since there are so many vampire series).
So now I get to pick...Had $20 left on an Amazon book gift card so I splurged and found a book that was recommended by my profile and it just jumped out at me.
'Shifting the Monkey' by Todd Whitaker. Looks really interesting, great cover , kind of weird title and graphic. So that is my 'judging a book by the cover' moment. The book is shorter than I thought so should be an fast read. Here I go , will update at moments of profound inspiration..(yeah that is what I always go for).... If you have or are reading the book chime in. Guess I would be talking to the two people who follow this blog. Oh did I ever say thanks for following my blog? THANKS!
Thursday, June 14, 2012
Cook your own steak...networking
Today I went to a SAI area 5 lunch. All administrators in the area were invited not all came. I will tell you I was not sure I wanted to go, then just thought, why not! The principal that I work with said he had gone in the past but he was not into playing golf, and had lots of work to do. I don't play golf and the 'cook your own steak' menu was not my cup of tea. It was free so that made me feel better. I will make one comment, free or not free who goes out to lunch and says,,,,I want to cook my own steak? It might be me but when I go out to eat I don't want to cook the food and I really don't want to grill a steak with a bunch of other people. Just throw it on the grill for me , I know that it will be done better, not burned, if the people running the restaurant cook it. The steak was good even though I burned the edges. So I need to stop looking a gift horse in the mouth.
Now the point of the post. I enjoyed the networking session with the administrators at the meeting. I was worried I would not know anyone and I was wrong. The conversations were about education but also about personal topics such as family and vacations. We listened to an update from the state capital on legislative educational issues. Politics always interests me.
The speaker reminded everyone in attendance to remember to make time for family and what you love to do so that your job and life is balanced. I went home and took the tube down into the creek with my son.
A good day and I would recommend the meeting for next year.
Thank you SAI. Oh yeah a steak meal needs a brownie buffet. Just a hint for next year....
Now the point of the post. I enjoyed the networking session with the administrators at the meeting. I was worried I would not know anyone and I was wrong. The conversations were about education but also about personal topics such as family and vacations. We listened to an update from the state capital on legislative educational issues. Politics always interests me.
The speaker reminded everyone in attendance to remember to make time for family and what you love to do so that your job and life is balanced. I went home and took the tube down into the creek with my son.
A good day and I would recommend the meeting for next year.
Thank you SAI. Oh yeah a steak meal needs a brownie buffet. Just a hint for next year....
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
Starting New happens with Closed Doors...
Not sure the title of this blog reflects the feelings that I encounter while writing this post. Last year I was thrilled and excited to start my administrative career as the Assistant Principal of two elementary schools in two different school districts. I knew it was going to be all consuming and I welcomed the challenge. I knew I was ready to change my focus from teaching to teaching facilitator/administrator. I left my seniority behind with a signature on a contract and never looked back.
Well the door closed and the position I had is gone. I will still have a job thanks to a gracious school district school board and administration. The job is a teaching position with 20% assistant principal. I will admit I am thankful to have a job since I do have a family who need income and insurance. I will also admit that this is not the direction that I had planned for my career. That being said I will work my butt off doing the best teaching job possible and will also contribute 100% to the 20% administrative position I was offered. There must be a reason for the closed door and I will see what new changes start in my career and life.
Life is a dichotomy of changes.....
Well the door closed and the position I had is gone. I will still have a job thanks to a gracious school district school board and administration. The job is a teaching position with 20% assistant principal. I will admit I am thankful to have a job since I do have a family who need income and insurance. I will also admit that this is not the direction that I had planned for my career. That being said I will work my butt off doing the best teaching job possible and will also contribute 100% to the 20% administrative position I was offered. There must be a reason for the closed door and I will see what new changes start in my career and life.
Life is a dichotomy of changes.....
Sunday, May 27, 2012
How bad do you want a job?
I have been really busy this year hiring staff for elementary building positions. I have a great model to follow , Mr. Duncan, who shows how to conduct interviews fairly and professionally. It has been such a great learning experience. I enjoy meeting the applicants, giving tours, talking about the building and the school district, and even the interview process. It takes more time than most realize and is taken so seriously by the interviewing committee and administration. I don't enjoy calling applicants that we can't offer a contract but that is an important part of the job. It doesn't help when every applicant was fantastic and you wish you could hire them all. It is even worse when you don't get enough applicants and you have to make a decision anyway.
So now to me....egocentrically speaking.
I also have been on the job search. Have been close and know how it feels to get that interview and be one of three finalist. I know the mind set of thinking about what it will be like in that position and how it will impact your life and the life of your family. I know how it feels to really need the job. I know how it feels to have a job and take a risk and apply for another. I hate the call back as much as I hate calling back. So that being said here is the point I am making with the title of the blog....
How bad do you want the job?
I am an okay writer, I don't enjoy writing but can put together an document or letter that is readable when I am required to. Will the person reading it say, 'Wow that is exactly what I needed to read!" or "What a writer, what an intelligent communicator".NO.
I just hope and pray I haven't spelled a word incorrectly or used the wrong grammatical phrase. I do use spell check but it doesn't catch everything and sometimes it tells me things are wrong that I disagree with.
So do I spend the money and have a professional resume' and application letter written for me? I have seriously thought about it. Might even do that if the next run of applications go know where. For now I just look at samples and try to make my application essays, and cover letter,s my own.
In education the applications ask you to write essays on questions such as, 'Tell what leadership style you use and how it relates to the job". Okay know one told me in school when you applied for a job that you would have to write essays. Seriously at this point I could write a book (short book) with the essays I have written. If I could just draw a picture they would be impressed but I doubt any essay I write is going to jump off the pages and impress anyone. Think about how many truly remarkable people are being passed by because they are not prize winning authors and think about how many not so great educators are getting the interviews because they or their sister-in-law can really write.
So now the interview. When I get one I am thrilled beyond belief. Then comes the worries. What will I wear (yeah I am a woman). If I wear my heels I will be 6'2" so will that intimidate the interviewing committee, what questions will they ask, study the web site like a final test, remember clean shoes and clean fingernails say a lot about the person. Try not to be nervous. Yeah like that works. I have interviewed individuals who were so nervous it threw off the interview and when you see them in their element they are fantastic. The reverse is also true. I really think if you are not nervous something is wrong.
All this is over and you wait for the call and beat yourself on the way home about every question and how you should of answered it.
I also know for a fact that most times who you know goes a lot further than what you know. The connections you make in education everyday are reflected in the selection of applications to view, and interviews granted. So do you try to connect with the powers that be or just do your job and hope they realize what a great job you are doing? Some people are not into social functions but are excellent employees that work well with staff and do incredible jobs.
So again ,'How bad do you want a job?' and are you willing to be yourself or do you NEED the job so bad that you are willing to hire out the writing and get interviewed and hired.
Well this post is a great example of the style of writing I am talking about. I did not use any words I could not spell, used spell check and disagreed with it, and think the gramar is okay. It won't make anyone scream 'yahoo' when they read it and I will be lucky if anyone reads it to the end or at all. It is me though and when it is not enough I do know someone who writes much better. Wonder if he is busy?
So now to me....egocentrically speaking.
I also have been on the job search. Have been close and know how it feels to get that interview and be one of three finalist. I know the mind set of thinking about what it will be like in that position and how it will impact your life and the life of your family. I know how it feels to really need the job. I know how it feels to have a job and take a risk and apply for another. I hate the call back as much as I hate calling back. So that being said here is the point I am making with the title of the blog....
How bad do you want the job?
I am an okay writer, I don't enjoy writing but can put together an document or letter that is readable when I am required to. Will the person reading it say, 'Wow that is exactly what I needed to read!" or "What a writer, what an intelligent communicator".NO.
I just hope and pray I haven't spelled a word incorrectly or used the wrong grammatical phrase. I do use spell check but it doesn't catch everything and sometimes it tells me things are wrong that I disagree with.
So do I spend the money and have a professional resume' and application letter written for me? I have seriously thought about it. Might even do that if the next run of applications go know where. For now I just look at samples and try to make my application essays, and cover letter,s my own.
In education the applications ask you to write essays on questions such as, 'Tell what leadership style you use and how it relates to the job". Okay know one told me in school when you applied for a job that you would have to write essays. Seriously at this point I could write a book (short book) with the essays I have written. If I could just draw a picture they would be impressed but I doubt any essay I write is going to jump off the pages and impress anyone. Think about how many truly remarkable people are being passed by because they are not prize winning authors and think about how many not so great educators are getting the interviews because they or their sister-in-law can really write.
So now the interview. When I get one I am thrilled beyond belief. Then comes the worries. What will I wear (yeah I am a woman). If I wear my heels I will be 6'2" so will that intimidate the interviewing committee, what questions will they ask, study the web site like a final test, remember clean shoes and clean fingernails say a lot about the person. Try not to be nervous. Yeah like that works. I have interviewed individuals who were so nervous it threw off the interview and when you see them in their element they are fantastic. The reverse is also true. I really think if you are not nervous something is wrong.
All this is over and you wait for the call and beat yourself on the way home about every question and how you should of answered it.
I also know for a fact that most times who you know goes a lot further than what you know. The connections you make in education everyday are reflected in the selection of applications to view, and interviews granted. So do you try to connect with the powers that be or just do your job and hope they realize what a great job you are doing? Some people are not into social functions but are excellent employees that work well with staff and do incredible jobs.
So again ,'How bad do you want a job?' and are you willing to be yourself or do you NEED the job so bad that you are willing to hire out the writing and get interviewed and hired.
Well this post is a great example of the style of writing I am talking about. I did not use any words I could not spell, used spell check and disagreed with it, and think the gramar is okay. It won't make anyone scream 'yahoo' when they read it and I will be lucky if anyone reads it to the end or at all. It is me though and when it is not enough I do know someone who writes much better. Wonder if he is busy?
Saturday, May 26, 2012
Superintendent Aspirations ?
I admit I have superintendent aspirations. I know when I will start...after my daughter is in college at least a year . I know how it is accomplished... Iowa State, University of Iowa, University of Northern Iowa, or maybe some online class just to show it can be done.
Reasons why?
1. A lot of teaching experience with superintendents coming and going every 3 to 5 years. This has to change somehow and I am curious how it can change or why it happens.
2. I love a challenge and boy does it look like a major challenge.
3. Children are very important to me and as superintendent I could be an advocate in another arena.
4. I love to learn and learn every day in the position I am in and want to be part of another learning curve.
5. I have experienced all types of superintendents, some effective, others not so, and am curious about what makes a great superintendent.
Soooo...I will continue to ponder the superintendent aspirations...unless I win the lottery and start my own school. (Guess I need to buy a ticket).
Reasons why?
1. A lot of teaching experience with superintendents coming and going every 3 to 5 years. This has to change somehow and I am curious how it can change or why it happens.
2. I love a challenge and boy does it look like a major challenge.
3. Children are very important to me and as superintendent I could be an advocate in another arena.
4. I love to learn and learn every day in the position I am in and want to be part of another learning curve.
5. I have experienced all types of superintendents, some effective, others not so, and am curious about what makes a great superintendent.
Soooo...I will continue to ponder the superintendent aspirations...unless I win the lottery and start my own school. (Guess I need to buy a ticket).
Thursday, May 3, 2012
What a roller coaster ride of a year as assistant principal in two school districts.
What a learning curve,
What a great bunch of kids,
What a great bunch of staff,
I will miss everyone and every memory from MNW,
What a learning curve,
What a great bunch of kids,
What a great bunch of staff,
I will miss everyone and every memory from MNW,
Sunday, April 29, 2012
Prom is over...
Well last night was the Prairie Valley Prom. This year I was a volunteer for the new Prom Queen, Shelby, rocked it! Parents, students, and staff all commented on how nice it was. Not many gliches and those that did happen will be cleared up next year. So great to turn the torch over and have another person step up into the leadership spotlight. The students were great and it was nice to see them dressed to the hilt. This is also the last prom for my daughter since she is graduating. She was hoping MOM would not be there but I promised to stay out of range and it worked. Drove her home at 4:00am in the morning after the "After Prom" and had great discussions on school, the dance, and life. A night to remember for her and I both. I will miss Prom and what it stands for...growing up! I know the headaches that it brings to administrators and just want to say... It is a tradition when done well needs to be continued.
Thanks to Prairie Valley High School administration and students for allowing me to be part of PROM!
Thanks to Prairie Valley High School administration and students for allowing me to be part of PROM!
Saturday, April 21, 2012
How do you know the end of the school year is nigh?
20 school days (this of course is not Saturday or Sunday even though I work on school work on those days) left until summer break. Last year I worked at the high school and new exactly how many days until senior last day because they posted it on the marker board and they had apps that told them which they shared with daily. This year I am in the elementary world and the students generally do not know how many days are remaining (the staff sure does) but show me in so many other ways that summer break is around the corner. Examples please?
2nd grade students approaching me in the hallway and telling me someone wrote naughty words on the door of the boys bathroom. It is spelled F U LL K and they have no idea what it means. Okay niether do I , it is either a really bad phonetic spelling (or invented spelling) of a word I know they know what it means (yes even in 2nd grade they ride the bus) or someone was full K. I did spend almost 10 minutes with the custodian trying to find it and then said ...end of the year if I can't see it yet it aint there. By the way the bathrooms are not real clean at the end of the day.
Our cook is fantastic and the meals are well prepared and loved by all. Well the head cook in order to follow new dietary guidelines is trying new recipes all the month. While helping students in line I hear the entire line say ...'EWWW' when she put the item on their trays. Of course I go in and talk about respect for the cook and how she has great new recipes and they are so good for us. I look at the caserole and almost loose my cookies. It is rice and vegtables with whole beans and chunks of something. So I take a tray and remark how I am going to try it and I know it will be great. I follow the student out to the tables and one drops the tray to the ground and the caserole goes all over (unfortunately in large pile). The custodian comes around the corner and says loudly, 'Who threw up!' Okay how to get anyone to eat after that is next to impossible. I will admit I ate the stuff and it was good but had to look away from the tray to get it into my mouth. Is it the end of the year yet?
Another student example, we are out of recess balls. Where are they...of course all on the roof. Not coming down till the end of school (the wind has been gererous to the students lately and blowing a couple off a week but the students to protest kick them right back up the next day). Makes for a rough recess duty when students who are getting tired off school have nothing to kick, oh wait let me put that differently. Students don't have balls to kick at recess but they are making up for it by kicking eachother, trees, equipment , fences, and anything that holds still long enough.
Prom is a high school sign that the summer vacation is almost here. I am not in charge of prom this year but will be helping with the beautiful affair. I also have a daughter who is attending. So back to glueing tons of glitter onto her six inch heels (shoes $10 , glitter shoes $45, glitter $2 so we are gluing ) I am also making a fantastic prom dress from scratch ( We call it a one of a kind designer dress, not MOM is CHEAP). Who in the world put it in girls heads that a prom dress to be beautiful had to cost $500? (Let me know I could get a passe ready in a minute).
So back to work....Summer Vacation is almost nigh!
2nd grade students approaching me in the hallway and telling me someone wrote naughty words on the door of the boys bathroom. It is spelled F U LL K and they have no idea what it means. Okay niether do I , it is either a really bad phonetic spelling (or invented spelling) of a word I know they know what it means (yes even in 2nd grade they ride the bus) or someone was full K. I did spend almost 10 minutes with the custodian trying to find it and then said ...end of the year if I can't see it yet it aint there. By the way the bathrooms are not real clean at the end of the day.
Our cook is fantastic and the meals are well prepared and loved by all. Well the head cook in order to follow new dietary guidelines is trying new recipes all the month. While helping students in line I hear the entire line say ...'EWWW' when she put the item on their trays. Of course I go in and talk about respect for the cook and how she has great new recipes and they are so good for us. I look at the caserole and almost loose my cookies. It is rice and vegtables with whole beans and chunks of something. So I take a tray and remark how I am going to try it and I know it will be great. I follow the student out to the tables and one drops the tray to the ground and the caserole goes all over (unfortunately in large pile). The custodian comes around the corner and says loudly, 'Who threw up!' Okay how to get anyone to eat after that is next to impossible. I will admit I ate the stuff and it was good but had to look away from the tray to get it into my mouth. Is it the end of the year yet?
Another student example, we are out of recess balls. Where are they...of course all on the roof. Not coming down till the end of school (the wind has been gererous to the students lately and blowing a couple off a week but the students to protest kick them right back up the next day). Makes for a rough recess duty when students who are getting tired off school have nothing to kick, oh wait let me put that differently. Students don't have balls to kick at recess but they are making up for it by kicking eachother, trees, equipment , fences, and anything that holds still long enough.
Prom is a high school sign that the summer vacation is almost here. I am not in charge of prom this year but will be helping with the beautiful affair. I also have a daughter who is attending. So back to glueing tons of glitter onto her six inch heels (shoes $10 , glitter shoes $45, glitter $2 so we are gluing ) I am also making a fantastic prom dress from scratch ( We call it a one of a kind designer dress, not MOM is CHEAP). Who in the world put it in girls heads that a prom dress to be beautiful had to cost $500? (Let me know I could get a passe ready in a minute).
So back to work....Summer Vacation is almost nigh!
Saturday, March 24, 2012
Wow Now I Know How it Feels....
Just got back from the Deaf Commission meeting in Urbandale. Yet again it was hard to concentrate on the conversation due to the fact I am the only Commissioner that can hear. I have to wait for the interpreter to speak to me and when multiple people are signing (let me tell you they can sign faster than a person can talk) it gets very confusing and taxing. I actually get headaches trying to watch the speaker and then the interpreter. When someone in the public audience signs I never know since I can't see them and conversations get lost. Don't think I will ever get used to it and hopefully this will force me to learn to sign.
So here is what the post is about. I had a member of the community ask why I was selected as a commissioner. Her comment was 'She is from the northwest part of Iowa but she isn't deaf, I want to be represented by a deaf commissioner, the rest of the state is."
I felt bad, because I was not deaf and everyone else was. I felt like I was missing something and I was being judged because I was a hearing person. I assume that is not how it was intended. If that is how deaf and hard of hearing people feel in public it is not a good thing.
This appointment is changing my life. Never thought it would be like this.
Thank you Governor Brandstad and the committee for this opportunity.
So here is what the post is about. I had a member of the community ask why I was selected as a commissioner. Her comment was 'She is from the northwest part of Iowa but she isn't deaf, I want to be represented by a deaf commissioner, the rest of the state is."
I felt bad, because I was not deaf and everyone else was. I felt like I was missing something and I was being judged because I was a hearing person. I assume that is not how it was intended. If that is how deaf and hard of hearing people feel in public it is not a good thing.
This appointment is changing my life. Never thought it would be like this.
Thank you Governor Brandstad and the committee for this opportunity.
Friday, March 9, 2012
What is the new definition of Cheating?
Talking to some high school students who are taking on-line courses. They have on class period a day that they all get together in the same room and work on their on-line class. The purpose of this may not be evident. It is a scheduling situation that is trying to remedy students who do not work independently out of school on on-line classes. Many students, and often the best students, do not budget their time effectively so as to complete the on-line class on time. When they find they are two weeks away from the completion of the course and they haven't even finished two chapters, they drop the course. The school is still paying for the dropped course since we can't use the past practice of charging the student if they fail or drop the class too late. A big waste of time and staff effort. So now they all get together to encourage each other and help each other. There might be up to 8 different on-line courses in the classroom with up to 15 students working at one time. A staff member or associate is assigned to assist if needed. It is more like an on-line study hall. So now that you know the make-up of the class here is the dilema. On-line courses through the area college may or may not have a college teacher on hand to help with questions. Often times when they are available it is through phone or email, both of which involve time and can be bogged down due to technology. The students have decided to help each other. Tests are taken on line and none are required to be proctored. So the students again help each other. The students explain that the tests are open book so using each others resources and computers is their definition of open book. They also take pride in the concept that they might be signed up for one class but in the study hall situation they are learning at least three or more topics. Is this a technoligal natives interpretation of 'Open Book Testing and On-Line Classes" ? Or is this cheating the technology way? I can see points either way. How about you?
on line classes,
Public education,
Sunday, March 4, 2012
Really 18 months old?
Tenley and Delaney came over today. They are my granddaughters and they are 18 month old identical twins. Lots of fun and lots of energy. They both know how to operate a cell phone and get pictures up and even texted once, but the spelling was bad. Today I go a text and they ran for the phone, they know what it is by the ring tone. Avery my other granddaughter who is 2 can get her movies up on her Mom's phone. My ten year old son has been working on my computer for years and can make it do things I can't seem to bribe it to do. Now I will say that I am not a tech dufuss and feel that I can do a lot with computers and tech gadgets but I am not 18 months old. The future is really going to be interesting, can't wait to see what even the next 20 years brings. I am not afraid of the change at all and niether are my kids, and grandkids!!!!
Monday, February 20, 2012
The Answer...I believe I have one!
I will admit my first year as a S.A.M. I worked the entire year faking it...Faking that I knew what I was doing as to student discipline.
Faking that I knew what I was doing with staff.
Faking that I knew what to do to lead the program.
Some times the faking was believable even to me...sometimes not.
So now I am into my first year as an assistant principal.
Less faking and a lot more just working my butt off.
Now the dilema for this year.
I am supposed to be an educational leader. Really....
I know I am an artist and I also know I am a teacher. I have always told students to create what they know. I have also believe that when you know what you know it will lead you to your next creation.
Well here is a small piece of my creation... the beginning of a systemic wide educational idea.
Transitional Kindergarten is a beginning that shows it works, now ramp it up!
Next step Transitional 4th or T4 .
Middle step T6 Transitional 6th,
Then of course Alternative School, truly being alterntive. (three courses of study).
All this can be done with monies already provided but could be advanced even further with legislation that embraces the concept that extended year, extended graduation, and extedended learning are the next phase in the everchanging educational stage.
Now how to research, refine, and experiment this idea. It can't be a ten year project. I see it as a three year directive.
Educators who are interested in the concept gather around!!!
Faking that I knew what I was doing with staff.
Faking that I knew what to do to lead the program.
Some times the faking was believable even to me...sometimes not.
So now I am into my first year as an assistant principal.
Less faking and a lot more just working my butt off.
Now the dilema for this year.
I am supposed to be an educational leader. Really....
I know I am an artist and I also know I am a teacher. I have always told students to create what they know. I have also believe that when you know what you know it will lead you to your next creation.
Well here is a small piece of my creation... the beginning of a systemic wide educational idea.
Transitional Kindergarten is a beginning that shows it works, now ramp it up!
Next step Transitional 4th or T4 .
Middle step T6 Transitional 6th,
Then of course Alternative School, truly being alterntive. (three courses of study).
All this can be done with monies already provided but could be advanced even further with legislation that embraces the concept that extended year, extended graduation, and extedended learning are the next phase in the everchanging educational stage.
Now how to research, refine, and experiment this idea. It can't be a ten year project. I see it as a three year directive.
Educators who are interested in the concept gather around!!!
Friday, February 10, 2012
The Twitter of my Thoughts....
I was encouraged to join twitter and the twitter world by my administrative team.
I had tried twitter earlier and found I did not understand the idea of 140 characters.I had more to say or so I thought.
Well after hearing a lot about the hash tags resources I tried again.
Here are my twitter thoughts now....
Guess I don't have more to say but have found that I always have at least 7 more characters to say.
Great resources but not enough time to look at them all and then feels like I am leaving quarters laying around on the sidewalk.
Follow people and they have followed me with the help of administrative friends, wow someone follows me!
Got followed by very unusual people and not sure if I should block them or if they are people with just unusual twitter names and pictures..will admit a couple scare me.
Final thought....Scott McLeod is like the King and Jason Glass is running a close second.
(I think I like blogging better....)
I had tried twitter earlier and found I did not understand the idea of 140 characters.I had more to say or so I thought.
Well after hearing a lot about the hash tags resources I tried again.
Here are my twitter thoughts now....
Twitter Thoughts |
Great resources but not enough time to look at them all and then feels like I am leaving quarters laying around on the sidewalk.
Follow people and they have followed me with the help of administrative friends, wow someone follows me!
Got followed by very unusual people and not sure if I should block them or if they are people with just unusual twitter names and pictures..will admit a couple scare me.
Final thought....Scott McLeod is like the King and Jason Glass is running a close second.
(I think I like blogging better....)
Saturday, January 28, 2012
New technologies need new behaviors…(Posted on Dangerously Irrelevant) makes me think we might also need new players and new playing fields. I have been thinking about this a lot and so much energy is devoted to changing the educational system for the children and college students. I think it needs to be much larger. Lets remember that teachers like to say they are life long learners. There are life long learners in all age ranges. True education never stops how can the playing field open up to all learners of all ages so everyone can learn from everyone. Past practice had families all living together and learning from every generation. Why aren’t we doing that. The retired individuals will be one of the largest in Iowa very soon. How can that be tapped. They have a lot to teach but also I feel want to learn also. Who else is a player that is not being considered and what other playing fields need to be opened up? Technology can open up the fields but relationships will have to provide the players.
Sunday, January 15, 2012
PDE...Professional Development Excitement!!!
On Monday Praire Valley Elementary will host two neighboring school districts in an all day professional development. Thanks to all that organized the event ! After discussions on tri-mester schedules and standard based instruction all the staff will break into small grade level groups and subject area groups. I am excited because...
1. As a teacher I always hoped for a professional development activity where I could talk with teachers who taught what I did in other schools and school districts.
2. As a first year administrator I relish the idea of bringing so many great educators together to share ideas and experiences.
3. I love to learn and what an opportunity!!!
Not sure how many times this is done but rural school districts need to do this far more than they do. The state of Iowa needs to see this happening and support it in any way possible.
More to come after the big day...
1. As a teacher I always hoped for a professional development activity where I could talk with teachers who taught what I did in other schools and school districts.
2. As a first year administrator I relish the idea of bringing so many great educators together to share ideas and experiences.
3. I love to learn and what an opportunity!!!
Not sure how many times this is done but rural school districts need to do this far more than they do. The state of Iowa needs to see this happening and support it in any way possible.
More to come after the big day...
Thursday, January 12, 2012
Real Books.....
I love to read, I will read almost anything.
I love books and will read almost any book.
I do not have a Kindle but would like one just because I can read almost anything or any book on one.
But I really have a passion for 'Real Books'!
A book that I can read while also turning pages.
So watch the youtube above and enjoy along with me.
No excuses ...I just love REAL Books.
Sunday, January 8, 2012
Make teaching relevant...relevant to whom?
I have been reading a lot lately about how important it is to teach students so that they can see that what they are learning is relevant. My question is relevant to whom?
Relevant to a teenager who is interested in skateboarding, hanging out, and what new phone they want?
Relevant to the student who wants to go to college but doesn't know for sure if they want to be a lawyer or perhaps and criminal investigator?
Relevant as decided by a teacher who must decide what is relevant to 124 students a day aged 13 to 20?
Relevant as decided by a parent who knows for sure that their son/daughter is going to be a doctor or engineer?
Relevant to a administrator who is trying to understand 21st Century Skills, Core Curriculum, and every other new idea and mandate that the state and federal government pass?
Relevant to companies that are looking for employees who have welding skills, people skills, and laboratory skills?
Relevant...really. It sounds so easy.
Tell me is what was relevant when you were in junior/ senior high school relevant now?
Relevant teaching and experiences are time sensitive. How can teaching be relevant to all students at all times?
I hated math and even dropped a class because I knew I would never use it was not relevant to me. Guess what? I needed that class 20 years later and wish someone had made me sit there and learn it when I was young. How could that teacher have proven to me that the course was relevant to my future? I know that the math teacher couldn't have done that know matter how talented the educator was and no matter how the instructor danced on the desks and sang it to a rap song. I will say being made to complete the course as a pre-college prerequisite probably would of done it. I would of hated and complained the entire time but I would of done it because that would be relevant for me, but how many others in the class?
So teach courses that are relevant to students ...I agree with that...but also know that unless you are a magician, what is relevant is not applicable to everyone. Some times you just need to learn something you don't find relevant, or interesting, or fun............
Public education,
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