Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Changing Education..

I like to watch 'Ted Talks' it inspires me and fills me full of questions.
So today I watched one called 'The Philosphy of Wrong', it was thought provoking in itself but it also got my mind wondering about Education.
I went to an SAI conference where Scott McLeod led a conversation on 'what is learning'.
I have thought about that ever since and enjoy asking others the same question. Now I want to go a step further and question," Why should education be changed?"
Do you see where the philosphy of wrong led me to this question?
Now I am going to think about this for awhile and then comment on my random and organized thoughts on the topic of changing education.
You are invited!


  1. 'They tried to fix what wasn't broken for some schools to fix what was broken for others'
    One idea does not work for all states, districts, schools, staff, and students. Does each basketball team use the same play? Heck no, different coaches, different skill levels of players, and apposing team has the same.

  2. If change means keeping the successful in education, fixing the parts of education that are broken and should be repaired, and creating innovative new methods for education and learning I am all in. Let the conversation begin. If change means throwing out the old and embracing the new, I don't agree. Very seldom in life can you completely start over with the results that show positive gains. Old baggage is always there under the surface so lets, keep, repair, and invent and education and the world will be the better for the process.
